Our organization is distributing this in union
circles and beyond in preparation for the AFL-CIO's National Convention
in September:
Sisters and Brothers, Fellow Workers;
Uniting People (UP) is a new national organization for Peace, Full Employment,
Universal Health Care and Protection of the Environment. We appreciate
the invitation extended by the AFL-CIO to all people and organizations
to comment on its White Paper, “Prosperity Economics, Building An
Economy For All” by Jacob S. Hacker and Nate Loewentheil, intended to
create discussion about the direction of organized labor and the kind of
country we all want to live in where peace, social and economic justice
for working people prevail.
Democracy--- as well as social,
economic and environmental justice--- require no less than a full and
broad discussion of these important concerns and issues.
agree with the concept of “prosperity economics” by “building an economy
that works for everyone.” There are several very basic facts left out
of this “White Paper” and it is very hazy, vague and nebulous as to what
our concrete and specific goals and objectives are to be and what kind
of movement and struggle it will take for the working class--- organized
and unorganized together--- to create a prosperity economics for us
The “White Paper” does not clearly articulate our main
enemy: Wall Street. The “White Paper” doesn't reflect the fact that we,
as working people, are engaged in a social, political and economic
struggle for power with the intent to replace Wall Street's dominance
over every aspect of our lives--- in our schools, at work and in our
Let's state right up front workers create all
wealth but workers have had no say in how this wealth is distributed and
used. This needs to change. Democracy requires no less.
also put it right out there before the American people that militarism
and wars are squandering the wealth of our Nation to such a large extent
we don't have the resources to solve our many domestic problems. These
dirty imperialist wars are killing our jobs and our standard of living
just like they kill people.
Militarism and wars are a major
contributing factor to the world-wide collapsing capitalist economy. No
nation can continue to endlessly use the wealth of its nation to prepare
for wars and to fight wars. This is sheer insanity.
Wall Street's greedy drive for profits results in wars which exacerbates our problems.
Detroit goes broke; the rest of our cities are sure to follow as Wall Street wallows in profits.
Working people go without adequate health care; insurance and
pharmaceutical companies get fabulously wealthy. Shorter
workweeks/longer vacations with no cut in pay create jobs and would keep
us healthier, too.
Our public institutions like public
education fall apart, crumble and collapse just like our roads, highways
and bridges because we are constantly feeding a war machine intended to
fight never-ending wars waged to protect Wall Street's assets and
Prosperity for all begins with the recognition peace is required to achieve full employment.
Full employment is about the government seeing to it that jobs are
created for all at real living wages. It is about putting people to work
by creating massive universal social programs like Medicare for All,
not job destroying legislation like Obama-care as detrimental to our
health and jobs as wars without providing real health care reform while
pushing the price of health care up instead of its stated intent to push
prices down.
Eliminating militarism and wars eliminates the
largest carbon footprint contributing to global warming and climate
change as the Military Industrial Complex wastes our precious resources
in a huge, monstrous complex that ruins our environment--- power
generation, mining, manufacturing, the resources like oil and gas
required to fight wars. Preparation for war, and war itself, creates a
mammoth sized carbon footprint destroying our living environment while
creating massive joblessness and poverty and ill health for our people
as our air, water and land gets polluted.
The Wall Street
selected politicians talk about “jobs, jobs, jobs” when their hidden
agenda is really “profits, profits, profits” and “war, war, and more
The time has come to make politicians legislatively
responsible for full employment and peace because prosperity economics
requires: peace and full employment--- a healthy people and a healthy
Therefore, we propose that a central goal of the
American labor and working class movement needs to be the building of an
economy for all that is inseparably linked to peace and full employment
which must include:
A Minimum Wage tied to all cost of living factors indexed to inflation. Jobs or a living income for all.
Medicare for All. Protect, defend and expand Social Security programs.
Legislation prohibiting lockouts and scabbing. Repeal of “At-Will
Employment” legislation--- the primary obstacle to worker empowerment
and union organizing.
Price controls are needed for food, gas, home heating fuels and electricity.
A healthy economy means a healthy living environment and a healthy planet. We need a quality of life index.
The two-party system is a trap for working people. We must free
ourselves from the Democrats and Republicans. A working class based
people's party is required if we are going to have a prosperity
economics that works for all of us. We can learn a thing or two about
health care and politics from our Canadian Brothers and Sisters.
We are now at a crossroads.
We will have an economy that serves Wall Street or we will have an
economy that works for the rest of us--- we can't have both just like we
can't have both war and full employment.
We encourage the use
of the proposed Full Employment Act of 1945 pushed by the CIO unions and
authored by liberal Texas Congressman Wright Patman and the associated
hearing testimonies to broaden this discussion:
We also call to your attention the excellent Op-Ed piece by Bob
Herbert, “Losing Our Way,” his last piece in the New York Times (March
25, 2011), which declares:
"The U.S. has not just misplaced its
priorities. When the most powerful country ever to inhabit the earth
finds it so easy to plunge into the horror of warfare but almost
impossible to find adequate work for its people or to properly educate
its young, it has lost its way entirely."
We ask: What ever
happened to William Winpisinger's "Rebuild America Act" and the “peace
dividend?” The AFL-CIO should bring back to life its Committee on
Conversion--- from military production to producing for human needs;
swords into plowshares is what was advocated by the International
Association of Machinist's former President, William Winpisinger. Where
is this advocacy for peace and reordering our Nation's priorities now?
Thank you for allowing us to offer our critique of the AFL-CIO's “White Paper” and our alternative perspectives.
In solidarity and struggle. Uniting People (UP) for peace, full
employment, universal health care and protection of the environment.
Greetings sisters and brothers!
This March and rally are great. Thanks to the organizers for making this event such a huge success.
The music, the poetry, it’s all fantastic!
It is good to see so many people I have been working with who have traveled from many parts of northern Minnesota to be here today and to meet so many new people.
This is our chance to demonstrate our solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of people who are now marching through the streets of New York City in opposition to this administration that lied about this war and has lied to us about just about everything regarding the state of our nation.
Before I begin I would like to call to your attention that I have placed dozens of these blue books scattered around the Pavilion on numerous tables. These books are free, your tax dollars paid for them. They are “Legislative Manuals” that include the e-mail addresses and phone numbers of Minnesota legislators and other pertinent information much of which will be useful should you decide to run for public office. Please take a copy and make good use of it. Legislators tell me they appreciate hearing from you and they like hearing from you often.
Also, I hope everyone has a copy of this leaflet that speaks to the unemployment appeals case I will make reference to. Please take it home and share it with your family, relatives, neighbors, and fellow workers. You could find yourself in a similar situation… especially if we end up with four more years of Bush.
Mark Twain once observed that the first casualty when a nation goes to war is democracy.
Because of my outspoken views for peace and social justice I am now the target of the most vicious restraining order ever issued in Minnesota since the days of Joe McCarthy’s anti-communist witch-hunts that robbed the working people of Minnesota of its strongest voices and best fighters for peace and social justice. This witch-hunt now involves Homeland Security Forces who not only viciously attacked me as they ran roughshod over my Constitutional Rights… but also attacked my dog and made my dog suffer.
I hope you will read this leaflet I am passing out here today. Minnesota’s unemployment compensation legislation is skewed and rigged against working people in favor of the corporations just like this two-party system is rigged to deny working people a voice in the Minnesota legislature and in the US congress.
What we need to understand is that poverty, joblessness, and war are universal features of this rotten capitalist system that puts profits before peoples’ needs. What we need is a system that puts people before profits. Take a look at reality… this dirty war is about oil company profits.
Floyd Olson, Minnesota’s Farmer-Labor Party governor once observed, “The capitalist system is failing as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.” This was a prophetic observation.
Floyd Olson was the most popular politician in Minnesota ever. Yet his name has been virtually erased from the history books.
How long will working people endure an economic system that breeds war and poverty?
What working people in Minnesota need is real living wages not these poverty wages.
We need to build affordable homes here… not bomb homes in Iraq. Isn’t it better to pay working people thirty dollars an hour to build homes right here in Minnesota than waste money bombing the homes of others? Think about this: the same people who say, ‘oh no, you can’t pay working people thirty dollars an hour for building homes’ are the very same people who think nothing of spending tens of thousands of dollars to drop one bomb on homes in Iraq! I hope you will think about that little fact. It’s about priorities.
Our children and grandchildren need quality educations… instead Bush and Rumsfeld bomb schools in Iraq.
It is rather ironic that the same oil companies out to steal the oil from Iraq are the same ones robbing us at the pump. They say gas prices have been hiked to catch up with inflation. Why don’t they have the same mode of thinking when it comes to our wages? Have you ever heard one single politician in the State of Minnesota say that the minimum wage should be raised to a level sufficient to compensate for inflation? Why not? Let the poverty wage paying employers cry like we do when we go to the gas station to fill our tanks… these poverty wage-paying employers won’t die from shedding a few tears.
Listen to what Mark Twain had to say over one-hundred years ago and see if it doesn’t ring true today as we discuss this war in Iraq:
The loud little handful--- as usual--- will shout for the war. The pulpit will--- warily and cautiously--- object--- at first; the great, big dull bulk of the nation will rub its sleepy eyes and try to make out why there should be a war, and will say, earnestly and indignantly, “It is unjust and dishonorable, and there is no necessity for it.
Then the handful will shout louder. A few fair men on the other side will argue and reason against the war with speech and pen, and at first will have a hearing and be applauded; but it will not last long; those others will outshout them, and presently the anti-war audience will thin out and lose popularity.
Before long you will see this curious thing: the speakers stoned from the platform, and free speech strangled by hordes of furious men who in their secret hearts are still at one with those stoned speakers--- as earlier--- but do not dare to say so. And now the whole nation--- pulpit and all--- will take up the war cry, and shout itself hoarse, and mob any honest man who ventures to open his mouth; and presently such mouths will cease to open.
Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.
This is from, “The Mysterious Stranger” by Mark Twain.
How true all this rings today… from Bush right down to that one lone warmonger waving his little American flag shouting obscenities at us as we marched through downtown Detroit Lakes.
Apparently there is no room for freedom of the press and freedom of expression alongside the “free market” system that puts profits and wars before people.
The price of democracy and justice, like that of healthcare, is beyond the reach of working people in Minnesota.
What is the price of war?
Every bomb dropped on a school in Iraq robs our children of an education here at home.
Every home Bush bombs in Iraq is a home we can’t build here.
The price we pay for this war means there is not enough money for Universal healthcare like they have in Canada. The Canadians aren’t stupid… their excellent healthcare system is paid for with peace. Their government didn’t go to war in Iraq.
American working people are paying dearly for Bush’s dirty war… it is working class youth fighting and dying and it is workers who foot the bill. Do you raise your sons and daughters to be cannon fodder in some oilman’s war?
The oil barons even profit from the body-bags our sons and daughters are brought home in--- sadly and ironically, these body-bags are made from an oil byproduct. Our sons and daughters fight and die… the oilmen profit, even from their deaths.
The home healthcare industry in Minnesota is a racket in the fullest sense of the word. An examination of the way Provide Care, Incorporated has been feeding at the public trough like a pig and evading public scrutiny while trampling on the rights of its “customers” and employees alike as they fatten their corporate profits is no different than the way the merchants of death and destruction hawk their wares of bombs and bullets.
Then they have judges and the police in their hip pocket to silence workers with restraining orders like this, which have been placed upon me.
Think about this: If these judges can silence me for defending the right of one worker to unemployment benefits… do you think they can’t silence you for speaking out for peace and for social justice in the same way?
Al Capone would have been envious of such rackets!
A nation cannot squander its resources on wars unless it robs its own people of the right to decent livelihoods and the things they need like universal healthcare, housing, and education.
When a nation squanders it resources on wars it is like taking the wealth of the nation and throwing it into the ocean. Would you take money from your pocket and throw it into the waters of Detroit Lake?
Look at this… this is what your tax dollars are buying in Iraq! People like this little boy here, his arms and legs blown off while his entire family lay dead. Not even his mother left to try to comfort him through this agony. Is this the way to win friends and influence people? (picture displayed)
Is there any wonder the peoples of the world said no to this war before it started and continue to be opposed to it?
In my opinion this election shouldn’t even be a contest the way working people hate Bush and his bunch of corporate profiteers and warmongers.
Why then are so many people considering not even voting in this important election?
Because the Democrats, for the most part, have been docile and cowardly in standing up to these warmongers and the corporate thieves.
With Democrats like Collin Peterson who support this dirty war and those who have remained silent is it any wonder people are fed up with politics and don’t want to vote?
Look around you, how many DFL legislators do you see here today? Do you see your DFL Congressman?
Why should I remain silent about their absence if they are not here?
And it is not only on the issue of this war that they have remained docile. It is on minimum wage legislation, the right to organize, and universal healthcare… even the right to fair hearings.
Leaders of the Minnesota DFL in justifying either their support for this dirty war or their silence on the issue pointed out to me that the polls show that a significant number of people support this war. You know what I told them? Well, because it is Sunday and there is a clergyman or two here… I won’t tell you exactly what I told them, but I will tell you that I told them this: “Polls don’t die and suffer in wars… people do.”
It made me sick to see people, even union leaders, stand and applaud Collin Peterson here in Detroit Lakes at the 7th Congressional District DFL convention a few months back. It was just sickening. You know, I was the one and only DFL delegate that did not stand and clap after Collin Peterson got done with his speech supporting Bush’s dirty little war in Iraq.
In my opinion John Kerry’s one and only strong point is that he is an opportunist politician who sticks his finger in his mouth when he gets up in the morning to see from which direction the political winds are blowing. “Waffling” is his strong point because what this means to us as labor, peace, and social justice activists is that with a powerful and large movement demanding peace and universal healthcare we might be able to influence him. Provided we generate enough wind for him to feel on his wet finger when he pulls it out of his mouth.
I was a Kerry delegate… I am firmly convinced that the only way we can get rid of Bush is to elect Kerry. This is the reality of the present political moment.
Is there anyone amongst us today that believes we can influence George Bush? If you are a billionaire with pockets lined with cash… yes, you might be able to influence George Bush or Tim Pawlenty… I don’t know about you but I have had… p-a-w-l-e-n-t-y of Bush.
We must insist that John Kerry set a date for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq! Then vote for Kerry so we can get rid of Bush. Getting rid of Bush is the next step we need to take towards ending this dirty war.
I was glad to see John Kerry take a stand against predatory lenders. This is a serious problem in this state.
By the way… I am voting for Kerry, but no way will I vote for that warmonger Collin Peterson. I certainly won’t vote for his Republican opponent. I hope my non-vote sends a message to someone, someplace.
I think that as we go out to defeat Bush by electing John Kerry we need to begin a serious discussion of putting an end to this two-party fiasco. The moneyed interests in the DFL continue to resist Farmer-Labor voices in the Party. Maybe it is time to go back to what we had in Minnesota: A real farmer-labor party. The time has come to consider the option of rebuilding the old Farmer-Labor Party in Minnesota on the legacies of Floyd Olson, Elmer Benson, and John Bernard. I don’t care what the Party is called. From the red-roots of the farmer-labor movement have grown many new green shoots that need to be nurtured to maturity.
Peace! Sisters and Brothers… Let this word peace ring out throughout every household, union hall, church, and community in Minnesota!
Thank you for the opportunity to speak here today on behalf of Minnesotans for Peace and Social Justice.