For a "21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity."

We need jobs, not wars.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"Incendiary" Capitalism... some thoughts on war and peace

Recent reports from Greece suggest the huge forest fires there were ignited by real
estate speculators and venture capitalists looking to make a fast buck.

Now is the time for the left to come together and undertake a massive campaign to educate people about capitalism.

I have always understood that capitalism is bad; but, until this discussion about "fires" I never really gave much thought to just how cruel this rotten system can be.

You hear about a forest fire here and there on the news.

Other reports tell of house fires.

But, really, how often does a person ever stop to consider that anyone would use something like fire as a corporate investment in order to turn a profit?

Think about it; reading a newspaper, listening to the news on the radio, watching the news on television--- is there anything in any of these "news" stories which would lead one to believe this rotten capitalist system is responsible for any of these fires?

But wait... the U.S. military-financial-industrial complex created the "Mother Of All Bombs," and now...

The mafia-controlled capitalist government of Russia has created the "Dad of All Bombs;" both bombs are huge incendiary(fire) bombs.

Capitalism truly is a bestial system--- beginning with the exploitation of working people... but, to burn people from their homes, intentionally start forest fires, while these capitalist governments boast of having created bigger and better incendiary bombs... if there is any such thing as "insanity," this is it.

The mafia backed government of Vladimir Putin boasts that they can now do the equivalent damage with the "Dad Of All Bombs" as what previously could only be destroyed with a nuclear bomb... what kind of sick boast is this? Boasting as if a cure had been found for every dreaded sickness and disease plaguing human kind. Boasting as if they expect all humanity to stop what ever it is they are doing, stand and applaud this insanity.

The really sad part of all of this is the American left seems to have unlimited patience with it all... content to keep any discussion of the need to get rid of capitalism on the pages of periodicals and newspapers read within small circles in someones living room and within the confines of academia rather than putting the discussion out where it should be... in the public square, so to speak. It is almost as if the American left has become fearful of alienating those politicians and people in power making these insane decisions.

Something is wrong with the tactics and strategy of the American left... I don't understand it, perhaps someone can explain what is going on... in my opinion we shouldn't be worrying about offending any of the Democrats... what we should be concerned with is getting the American people out into the streets and making it impossible for the military-financial-industrial complex--- these merchants of death and destruction--- to continue dominating our lives and running the world.

The capitalists will not be satisfied with burning a forest here and there and burning people out of their homes... they have much larger fires in mind with more sinister designs as they are set on dominating the world; if this was not the case we would not be seeing an entirely new "family" of incendiary bombs having been created and hailed as if they have replaced Adam and Eve... the "Mom," and the "Dad" of all destruction--- as if we are supposed to expect a glorious new world order to be created through incendiary fires ignited by capitalists and imperialists out to generate greater corporate profits... they almost make it seem like we should welcome the outcome like new growth sprouts from the forest floor after a natural fire.

It is time to replace this barbaric and bestial "incendiary" capitalism with a cooperative socialist society before we are introduced to our new "Mom" and "Dad," which will make "original sin" seem kind of fun.